Location: Tompkins Hall Rm. 404
Office Phone: 334-724-4343
Mobile Phone: 615-604-1225
Email: smccrary@tuskegee.edu
Step 1: Student contacts Office of ADA Compliance by email or telephone requesting 504 classroom accommodations for semester.
A. Any student with a diagnosed disability and proper documentation; and accepted to the university.
Step 2: Student is sent the OADAC Accessibility Services Verification Form* and instructed to follow the guidelines on the form.
A.This process happens before face-to-face contact is made. Students must provide appropriate documentation of a disability, current psychological evaluation, and/or IEP from their high school.
Step 3: I will meet with the student, evaluate the presented documentation and together develop a plan for the accommodation.
A. Questions are asked related to academic history and what accommodations have worked in the past.
Step 4: I will ask about the students major, year of expected graduation, and phone number.
A. Classroom considerations, test considerations as outlined on the attached form.
Step 5: I email (blind copy for privacy) the professors, student, the REACH CENTER (Nikasha Jones), if proctoring and/or note-taking is requested. Athletics receives a copy (Nick Brown) if it is a student-athlete.
Step 6: The Professor is asked to please review the attached document and perform the following:
A.Print it.
B.Sign it.
C.Return the document to my office.
Step 7: The student repeats each semester, while enrolled, with a new schedule starting from Step 3.
We are pleased to provide assistance to anyone requesting it. If you need help please ask.
If you should encounter an accessibility issue, please call the Office of ADA Compliance at 334-724-4343 or by mobile phone 615-604-1225 or email the director at smccrary@tuskegee.edu. The Office of ADA Compliance will inform the appropriate university unit of your notification. Please be prepared to provide relevant information such as:
In keeping with the President’s commitment to becoming an “Outcomes-Oriented University,” the university is committed to providing all offerings in the most accessible way possible by maintaining compliance with standards set by the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended.
To help provide the best possible service to students, staff, faculty and visitors with disabilities, recently created an office of ADA Compliance. The Director of ADA Compliance will assist anyone with questions about access; provide consultation on policy reviews and facilities planning; and serve as a clearing house for disability access related complaints.
Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and it’s implementing regulation at 28 C.F.R. Part 35, which prohibit discrimination based on disability, in programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance from the Department and, respectively, public entities. As a recipient of Federal financial assistance and a public entity, the College is subject to these laws and regulations.
The 504 Accommodations Program is in place at to provide assistance to students with disabilities so they can acquire the necessary resources and accommodations they need to be successful. An ADA 504 Accommodations Counselor is available to serve as a liaison between the student and faculty member. CLICK HERE for more information on the 504 Accomodations Program at TU. Faculty should use the following statement in their syllabus:
As continues to increase its varied usage of technology, the accessibility of electronic information is an important focus. The Director collaborates initiatives in this area including the implementation of a plan created by several departments, including but not limited to the Library, Information Technology, Campus Technology, Faculty Instruction, T- CAEIL, ODEOL, and OMC. The goal of this plan is that accessibility in our electronic offerings will not only improve but also become a commonly recognized need.
Institutions receiving Federal Financial Aid are required to make reasonable accommodations to make their website content accessible. There are guidelines in place to help make our web content accessible to people with disabilities. CLICK HERE to find out more about website accessibility guidelines at .
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. To file a compliant alleging discrimination, see "And Justice For All" poster below. (Not all prohibitied bases apply to all programs). If you believe you have been discriminated against in a program receiving Federal Financial Assistance immediately contact the Federal agency providing such assistance, see "Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law (EEOC)" poster below.
**PLEASE NOTE: These posters are located in each of the academic buildings on campus and in the Human Resources Office.
Click on image to view PDF version.
**PLEASE NOTE: These posters are located in each of the academic buildings on campus and in the Human Resources Office.
Click on image to view PDF version.